Make sure to comment here what you think about the site!

x DI
ILene Brettholz
3/24/2012 10:06:29 am

I'm enjoying the new site, it feels a little more intimate than the original YM&C. Re the deleted category (someone you used to know), I kinda liked it, we've all been there, and you stated it so well!. Re Swing, swing and those childhood atrocities, as a successful adult you're certainly having the last laugh (paybacks are a bitch!). Swing away, dear Di, swing away...

ILene Brettholz
3/24/2012 10:52:26 am

I don't know about anyone else, but I find the print hard to read because they are bold (capitalized letters bleed into the line above, etc). Perhaps you could try a non-bold script (like Snell Roundhand)

10/15/2014 10:35:11 am

We got it already!!!!! Make sure to leave a comment, Oh! Make sure to leave a comment! Could you STOP THAT!!!!!!!!


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